I am an Iranian born/raised who has settled in France since 2021. I did computer science for a significant amount of my early adulthood till a plot twist in my journey, simultaneously with my immigration, slightly changed my path to a curiosity over humans’ position in this fast-growing computerised world. I am currently a PhD student in the human-computer interaction field at Université Paris-Saclay, LISN & Sorbonne Universite, ISIR; you may know more about my thesis in the following section. In between, I’ve always been enthusiastic about the creative possibilities that emerge from my collective knowledge, blending lived experiences with computer science and human-computer interaction; you can check some of my art-science endeavors in the next-next section. More than just a list of qualifications, I am basically a human being excited to keep learning, whether through personal exploration or with your much-appreciated exchanges. So feel free to drop a line for any inquiry \m/
My PhD thesis is on « Collaborative Interactive Machine Teaching ». I am being supervised by Jules Françoise, Baptiste Caramiaux, and Michèle Gouiffès (I am genuinely amazed by their collaborative Behnoosh teaching). This thesis is based on three fundamental elements. First, we are interested in the diverse roles that humans can take while interacting with a ML model. Second, our emphasis is on more democratized, participatory, and fair ML systems. Third, we are about fostering collaboration. In my last project we studied how a group of teachers can collaborate to teach a concept to an image classifier. If you are interested in the last sentece, you can read its paper. This project somehow demonstrated to us the new horizons of Fairness in ML models. Thus, we got curious to study another role a human can play in this interaction: the role of an auditor to discover, raise awareness of, and fix algorithmic harms. In a nutshell, my main interests (so far) are Interactive Machine Learning, Machine Teaching, Participatory AI, and End-User Algorithm Auditing.
ADA, au-delà de l’image
A performance piece by Véronique Caye as a poetic and philosophical reflection on harmful algorithmic behaviours and biases in machine learning systems through texts, visuals (Yukao Nagemi), and music (Frédéric Minière). I collaborated on this project with my PhD director, Michèlle Gouiffès, to raise the awareness of, and acknowledge gender biases in facial recognition models.
Volatile Hexa
This was an interactive installation for Patternitecture event in Tehran. We wanted to gaze into the patterns you find in your daily life as they all have been purposefully designed!
Failed Portfolio
Since I love bragging about my failures: this was supposed to be my personal website, but I lost control over mid-way (but I have good excuses), and I ended up using this ready-to-use wordpress template.
Fireflies in the Forest
This was also an interactive installation as my bachelor final project. It was basically an autonomous agents system interacting with audience’s movement. I love fireflies and I haven’t seen them in real life yet (you can also contact me for that).
Kinect V2 is underrated
This was almost my first and so far last experience with Kinect V2. I left my gears in Iran so the project never got a purpose. But I have a very homemade selfie with it, and a very failed attempt on a friend doing synchronized choreographed routine in a pool.
Audio Visualization
I paved my CS era with doing LOTS OF audio visualizations. I used Processing, P5js, shaders, GLSL, etc. I should dedicate a whole weekend to gather them all (asap). For now, I just give credit to the musics that have inspired me by sharing my Spotify playlist.